Akan-Mashu National Park

Tour Lake Akan on a Canoe

Parks Overview Parks Overview

Navigate the gentle waters of Lake Akan in a two-person canoe

Paddle in a two-person Canadian canoe on the gentle waters of Lake Akan and admire the panoramic views of Mount Oakan. Spot white-tailed eagles, ospreys, and other wild birds that inhabit the area. There is a safety briefing before you start, and a guide will accompany you in a separate canoe. The tour includes drinks and snacks.

activity   guided   canoeing   wildlife   volcano  
Available Spring (Mar to May), Summer (Jun to Aug), Autumn (Sep to Nov)
Duration 2 hr
Cost Adults 6,000 yen; Children (age 12 and under) 4,500 yen
Contact Adults (age 13 and over): 5,500 yen, children (ages 3 to 12): 4,000 yen.
Address 5-3-3 Akanko Onsen, Akan, Kushiro
Phone Akan Nature Center
Email (+81) 0154-67-2801(JP)
Website nature@marimo.or.jp
URL http://www.akan.co.jp (JP)

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