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©Urabandai Tourism Association





福島県にある磐梯朝日国立公園のユニークな自然景観の一つが、活火山・磐梯山のすぐ北側の高原にある五色沼湖(five-coloured marshes:五色の沼)です。この湖沼群は、1888年に磐梯山が噴火した後に川がせき止められて形成され、この地域では比較的新しい景観です。沼の印象的な色は、長年にわたって沼の底に沈殿した火山性堆積物、鉱物、酸化鉄の混合物によって生み出されています。沼を訪れると、画家がパレットの上で様々な色を混ぜ合わせるかのような色彩に出会うことができます。沼の色は一日を通して少しずつ変化し、2つとして同じ色はありません。


©Urabandai Tourism Association


Delight in the Five-Coloured Marshes of Goshikinuma Ponds
Enjoy a rainbow of hues as you stroll through a unique national park landscape
One of the most unique natural features of Bandai-Asahi National Park in Fukushima are the Goshikinuma Ponds, or five-coloured marshes, located on a highland plain just north of the volcanic Mount Bandai. The lakes themselves are a relatively new feature on the landscape, having been formed after the mountain erupted in 1888, shifting the landscape and blocking a local river. The ponds’ striking colours derive from the combination of volcanic sediment, minerals and iron oxide that has leaked into the lake beds over the years. A visit to the lakes presents an ever-shifting palette worthy of an artist; the colour of one pond can change subtly throughout the day, and none are identical to another.
An hour and a half walking trail leads around the five main ponds as well as several other photogenic bodies of water. The wheelchair-accessible Urabandai Visitor Centre is a good place to start any walk, with numerous exhibits on the park’s geography and local wildlife.


©Urabandai Tourism Association


Urabandai Tourism






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