Natural Wonders
Journey to discover the story of Toyooka's storks

Exclusive Tours of Toyooka’s Stork Sanctuary

Oriental White Storks, also known as Konotori and a Special Natural Monument of Japan, have been returned home to the abundant wetlands of Hyogo prefecture along the Maruyama River going through Toyooka city. This came as a success of a decades-long breeding and habitat preservation program led by the locals. The City of Toyooka and its residents are excited to invite visitors on exclusive tours to learn about the closeknit ties between humans and these majestic birds while experiencing the rich culture of the region.

Toyooka’s Konotori have long been a local icon both culturally and historically, even appearing in folk tales. Visitors to Kinosaki Onsen, the city's famous hot spring resort area, will be met with the stork's powerful symbolism throughout the historical town. Legend has it that some of the resorts' springs were discovered when an injured stork was healing its wounds in the sacred waters.

Programs come in a wide range of styles and trip lengths. Itineraries feature private excursions to Konotori conservation centers, guided tours of city's Ramsar-designated wetlands, and visits to wildlife observatories not open to the public. Unique experiences within some of Toyooka’s most scenic backdrops are included with each program, such as hiking through the Kannabe Highlands, savoring private lunches in the lush verdure of the regional forests, and trying out unforgettable cultural activities.

Tours tend to include luxurious accommodation in Kinosaki Onsen at one of the elegant traditional Japanese-style ryokans. Throughout the tours and across a range of optional activities, participants have the opportunity to meet and interact with the people of Toyooka. Experience all angles of Toyooka through one of these exclusive programs, from its environment and ecology to local spiritual practices and craftsmanship.


Toyooka-shi, Hyogo

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