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FACILI’iti makes the Travel Japan website accessible to everyone.

Choose how you browse—optimized browsing experiences to suit temporary or habitual needs

FACILI’iti uses web accessibility technology to enable easier browsing on the Travel Japan website.
Whether you have visual issues, trouble with mobility, or a cognitive disorder, you can optimize website pages to browse in comfort.
Begin by creating a personal profile that is entirely confidential.Input the details of your condition, and once your profile has registered, www.japan.travel/en/ will automatically adjust to your browsing needs. FACILI’iti works for all digital media.

Use FACIL’iti to browse on Travel Japan

Step 2: Choose your Profile Mode

Choose from a selection of ready-to-use profiles, or create a completely customized profile to suit your needs.

Step 3: Begin Optimized Browsing

After completing your profile, return to the Travel Japan website. You will discover the site has been optimized to suit your needs.

Please Choose Your Language

Browse the JNTO site in one of multiple languages