An exquisite entry into the hearty cuisine of Lyon

Lugdunum Bouchon Lyonnais

A bouchon is a specific type of restaurant: convivial and warm, featuring comforting dishes from Lyon that keep your spirits up in tough times. Lugdunum Bouchon Lyonnais is precisely that. Chef Christophe Paucod was born in Lyon and brings a love of his childhood foods to his bouchon in Tokyo’s Kagurazaka district. In a world of restaurants that celebrate fusion, Paucod is uncompromising. He lovingly creates quenelles of fish, gently poached and served in a clarified broth, or a terrine of pork hock and foie gras served with grilled toast.

While the restaurant feels like something lifted from Lyon, with tile floors and wicker chairs, the kitchen is serious in its effort to locally source ingredients, taking the best of France when there is no local supplier. The service is knowledgeable, friendly, and always ready to answer questions. Chef Paucod wants you to love Lyon, and it shows in Lugdunum Bouchon Lyonnais.


1st Floor, Ebiya-Building, 4-3-7 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

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