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Festivals & Events

Takigi Noh of Sado

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Sado's Traditional Performing Arts


Since the Edo period (1603-1868), Nohgaku, a traditional Japanese performing art, has been deeply rooted in the daily lives of the people on Sado Island.


Valuable Traditional Architecture


At the height of its popularity, over 200 Noh theaters were on Sado, of which over thirty still remain. Many of the existing Noh stages are historical structures built within the grounds of shrines, indicating the art's community-based development in Sado.


Experiencing Noh


Noh performances in Sado became a widespread entertainment for the common people as it transformed over the years, with storylines easy to understand for beginners. At night, witness the majestic world Takigi Noh performed outdoors under the ambient light of burning torches.



How to get there


From Tokyo Station, take a bullet train to Niigata Station (120 min), then take a bus or a taxi (15 min) to the Sado Kisen Terminal. From there, take the jetfoil boat to Sado Island (65 min).


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