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Planning a Trip to Japan?

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Japan - The Paradise of Dreams


When you begin your research on countries to explore and admire, you realize that not all of them are to your taste. However, there is one place in this world that would never fail to spellbind a tourist- Japan. Curiously shaped and held together like a puzzle on the water, there is so much to see on these islands; so much to experience. In a world where we keep fighting over what is left of Mother Earth and all its goodness, the four main islands and eleven major cities of Japan are abundant with the beauty of Nature. Once you have landed on any of the major islands and gotten yourself settled in a place that is not too isolated, make sure you have a camera, a lot of time to walk around and breathe in the fresh air and take in every detail of the beauty that surrounds you. The climate may confuse you, as it is not the same throughout the country and there are different attractions depending on the seasons of the year. In winter at Hokkaido, you can't miss the Sapporo snow festival, where several ice sculptures are displayed for all to see. As the name suggests, it is indeed a festival especially at night with the spectacular lighting of these sculptures. For the foodies, there are ramen noodle stalls over the city where you can have your heart's fill of authentic Japanese noodles. Another thing you can't miss in Hokkaido is the annual cherry blossoms which are in full bloom in May. You can also see the breathtaking view of these blossoms in different months in Honshu and Okinawa. If you are wondering where to find the most advanced and techie side of Japan, Tokyo is the place to go. Man-made is the right word to describe Tokyo at a glance. The massive skyscrapers and all other buildings speak of honed and perfected engineering at its very best. For the animal lovers, there are numerous National Parks where you can catch a glimpse of exotic animals like the Japanese Macaques.




The interesting thing about traveling in Japan is that you do not just travel from one tourist spot to another because the travel is tourism in itself. There are so many structures in Japan that reflect both the advancement and the rich heritage of the country. Moreover, when you find history merging with future, it becomes quite an experience in itself. Speaking of transport, it is obvious that every tourist has to try the rightly named bullet trains. These trains fly across the city taking you to your destination in less than an instant. However, to experience the true essence of Japan, you also need to try the perfectly organized buses that skirt across the not-so-busy parts of the country. Travel may be slower, but is comparatively cheaper to the bullet trains and it gives you more time to connect with nature.


Food is an exciting factor that will not disappoint you. There are quite a number of options to choose from, as Japanese cuisine is popular for the varied seasonality of its food. The typical Japanese meal consists of rice, a bowl of soup and flavored vegetables. Rice is most common. Being a group of islands, seafood is predominant in the Japanese diet. Another obvious favorite among the population is noodles and meat. You will discover that noodles are not just noodles, as there are many kinds of noodles based on their thickness and what goes into making them. There are so many food stalls around that you will never go hungry. Then there is the tea or rather teas, since there are varieties of them. Green tea is the most popular and the most common and it is served any time of the day. With all this and more, Japan is indeed a Paradise of Dreams and a necessary destination.

Kathleen Hubert is a blogger who writes on a variety of different sites.



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