3 days
Apr to Sep
Plan your visit carefully and allow plenty of time for your activities in the park. Always check the latest weather information, and avoid overexerting yourself if you feel unwell.


Experience the Subtropical Splendors and Cultural Riches of Okinawa

Iriomote-Ishigaki National Park is the southernmost national park in Japan. Discover the rich cultural and natural heritage of the islands within the park as you immerse yourself in the subtropical landscape, seascape, and sky.

Itinerary Highlights

  • Trekking across Ishigakijima Island on a customizable private tour.

  • Stargazing with minimal light pollution on Taketomijima Island, an International Dark Sky Place.

  • Diving in the biologically diverse waters of a World Natural Heritage site.

  • Kayaking through a mangrove forest and contributing to environmental preservation.

Trip Overview

Immerse yourself in the local nature and cultures of Ishigakijima and Taketomijima Islands
Discover the majesty of Iriomotejima’s coral reefs
Explore and restore Iriomotejima’s environment
Day 1

Immerse yourself in the local nature and cultures of Ishigakijima and Taketomijima Islands

Arrive at Painushima Ishigaki Airport in the late morning and have a quick lunch. With the necessary prearrangement, you can have a local guide meet you to give you a tailored private tour of Ishigakijima Island. Trek forest and mountain trails, stroll along the island’s shores, and visit secluded coral beaches and hidden scenic lookouts. Take breaks along the way, as your guide plays local folk songs on the sanshin, a traditional Okinawan three-stringed instrument.

In the late afternoon, catch the last ferry from Euglena Ishigaki Port Remote Island Terminal to Taketomijima Island for the Taketomi Island Twilight Tour. Watch the sunset over the traditional red-tiled roofs on the island, followed by the starry sky above. Iriomote-Ishigaki National Park was the first park in Japan to be designated an International Dark Sky Place by DarkSky, the world's largest non-profit organization working to prevent light pollution. The three-hour tour offers spectacular stargazing and introduces you to the efforts the community on Taketomijima is making to minimize light pollution. Once the tour ends, you will be taken back to Ishigakijima by charter boat.

From the Euglena Ishigaki Port Remote Island Terminal, return to your hotel for a good night’s rest.

Day 2

Discover the majesty of Iriomotejima’s coral reefs

Get an early start and take a one-hour ferry from Ishigakijima Island to Uehara Port on Iriomotejima Island. The island is a World Natural Heritage site and its waters have many large coral reefs made up of diverse coral species. These reefs support a broad spectrum of marine life. Experience the island’s enchanting underwater environments with guides of Diving Team Unarizuki, who provide safe diving experiences while respecting the delicate ecology of the coral reefs. Actions to protect the reefs include diving into the water and setting the boat's anchor by hand to minimize damage to the coral.

Spot colorful fish and other marine life as you swim in the clear waters during this full-day activity. The tours and diving locations are set according to experience level. After an exhilarating day in the water, you can check in to your accommodation on Iriomotejima and spend the evening relaxing.

Day 3

Explore and restore Iriomotejima’s environment

Embark from Uehara Port in the morning for a unique environmental cleanup adventure. The experience begins with a kayak journey through mangrove forests, followed by a jungle hike to Pinaisara Falls. The waterfall has a 55-meter cascade and is Okinawa’s tallest. At the waterfall you will break for refreshments which include rice balls wrapped, without plastic, in plant leaves. The experience concludes with a beach clean. You will be given a bag so that you can help pick up the trash that has washed up on the beach. The far-reaching impacts of human activity become increasingly clear as your bag quickly becomes full.

The tour ends at Uehara Port, where you can board a ferry back to Ishigakijima Island. Continue by bus to Painushima Ishigaki Airport to catch a flight to your next destination.

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