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Regional Rail Passes in Japan Enjoy Great Deals and Explore Further

In addition to the nationwide Japan Rail Pass, Japan has no shortage of regional rail passes as well! While the nationwide pass is often the best bet for going long hauls between several different corridors, regional passes can be a cost-effective alternative for shorter stints, and more localized travel.  In the table below, we've mapped out a running list of more localized passes, which you can sort according to region using the dropdown menu on the top right. 


While the respective homepages will often have disclaimers and diagrams to tell you what is and isn't covered, for those unfamiliar with Japan's geography and railways, it may be hard to make sense of it all! Japan Route Finder & Calculator by Navitime is convenient in this case, as it includes a "Tourist Pass" search filter, as it will prioritize routes based on the selected pass(es), and display which parts of your journey are covered.


Please note that Japan National Tourism Organization is not directly affiliated with the aformentioned transit authorities, nor is it responsible for the sales or management of any of the travel products listed above. For any inquiries related to the above transit passes, please contact the relevant company directly. Japan Rail's regional contact information is a follows:


JR Hokkaido:
Inquiries (Japanese only):  https://www.jrhokkaido.co.jp/faq/tel.html
FAQ Page (English):  https://www.jrhokkaido.co.jp/global/english/faq/index.html


JR East:


JR West:


JR Central:


JR Shikoku:


JR Kyushu:
Inquiries (Japanese only):  https://www.jrkyushu.co.jp/contact/ask.html
FAQ Page (English):  https://www.jrkyushu.co.jp/english/faq/index.html



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