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©Okayama Prefectural Tourism Federation

Walk the Streets of Kurashiki’s Historical Quarter


This distinct riverside district is celebrated for its traditional buildings and historical atmosphere


The Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter is a unique district only minutes from Kurashiki Station. Much of the area is preserved in the style of its heyday during the Edo-period (1603–1868), when it was an important trading town. Its appearance is marked by the white-plastered walls of the traditional townhouses that line its streets, and the graceful weeping willow trees along the canal. 


©Okayama Prefectural Tourism Federation


It is home to several cultural attractions, including the Ohara Museum of Art, with its impressive collection of Western art. Many visitors are content to absorb the atmosphere of Japan’s past, strolling—or riding a rickshaw—down its streets, or floating down the river on a traditional boat.


©Okayama Prefectural Tourism Federation


Cafes, restaurants, and souvenir shops in authentic settings offer traditional dishes, crafts, and more. Some townhouses have been converted into accommodations for those who would like to see more.


From Shin-Osaka Station, take the Shinkansen to Okayama Station (45 min.). From Okayama Station, take the local train to Kurashiki Station (10-20 min.).


Kurashiki's Bikan District


Honmachi, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama-ken




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