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Follow 4 local influencers as they explore winter at the northern region of Tohoku ー with Tokyo as a gateway


Day 1 to 2 : Go snow monster-watching on a ropeway, then visit a classy hot spring town straight out of a fairytale.


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DAY 1: Zao Onsen Ski Resort Snow Monsters(Ropeway)



Zao Onsen is known as a hot spring and ski resort in Yamagata Prefecture and is one of the few places in Japan where you can see frost-covered trees. Also known as "snow monsters", the trees take on curious profiles due to the snow hardening on their branches and freezing winds that scrape them into shape. The snow monster can be found near the top of Zao Ski Resort and is usually most spectacular around mid-February. Easy access is provided by ropeway and gondola.




DAY 2: Ginzan Onsen


Ginzan Onsen is a secluded hot spring town nestled in the mountains of Yamagata Prefecture. This is known as Japan's most beautiful hot spring town, with historic inns lined up along the river. Many of the ryokan have wooden balconies of three or four levels, considered ahead of their time back when they were first built, and some have trowel paintings on the exterior. Many visitors would spend time on any of the many bridges over the river, trying to capture the perfect shot of surrounding buildings and intricate gas lamps that line the cobblestone sidewalks.




Yokote City Fureai Center Kamakura Building


A Kamakura is a hollowed-out room made by piling up and hardening snow. In Yokote City, which is a particularly heavy snowfall area in Akita Prefecture, it has been popular as a New Year's tradition for about 450 years. The Yokote Kamakura Festival is held every February, and about 80 Kamakura are built to celebrate the occasion. In the Kamakura Museum's Fantasy Gallery", a Kamakura made of real snow is preserved in winter.




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