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Letter from Japan Lovers - Carmen’s experience


This was our third trip to Japan and although we would have liked to stay longer and to have been able to go to the Kansai, we found plenty to do in and around Tokyo. In addition to finally visiting the Tokyo Edo Museum and the Nezu Museum, we took a train out to Kawasaki to see the wonderful outdoor architecture museum, Nihon Minka-en (see attached photos).


Because we are vegan, we always seek out vegan restaurants wherever we travel. (I am attaching photos of the exterior and a meal at Tsubu Tsubu a macrobiotic vegan cafe specializing in millet.) While I have only experienced this side of Japanese cuisine, I find the vegan cuisine in Japan to be fresh, healthy and delicious! The Akasaka Excel Hotel Tokyu where we stayed was conveniently located above two large subway stations with multiple routes passing through. The room was good-sized for Tokyo. We had a very pleasant stay!



Carmen Vendelin



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