Warm Up at Kinugawa Park’s Iwaburo Hot Springs
As winter starts to take hold, now is the perfect time to enjoy one of Kinugawa Park’s rock baths.
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As winter starts to take hold, now is the perfect time to enjoy one of Kinugawa Park’s rock baths.
【Partners Information】Every year in late January, Yunishigawa Onsen in Nikko National Park holds a "Kamakura Festival", lighting candles in small kamakura snow huts.
【Partners Information】 A special illumination event in Shirakawa-go sets this World Heritage site aglow for a few days in January and February.
【Partners Information】Matsumoto Castle Illumination is being held from Dec. 1 to Feb. 28 in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture.
【Partners Information】Yomiuri Land's annual "Jewellumination" light show brightens up Tokyo.
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