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Awa Odori – Expo 2025: Live to Travel, Travel to Live

Awa Odori

Awa Odori is a traditional dance of Tokushima City, and Awa Odori Kaikan (Hall) hosts daily performances of this enchanting custom. During the daytime performances, groups known as Awa no Kaze showcase their distinctive dances, and in the evening, the Yumei-ren, which consists of 33 famous groups, present their unique dances on a rotating basis. The Awa Odori Kaikan also has a souvenir shop, an interactive museum where visitors can learn about the history of Awa Odori, and a ropeway that leads to the mountaintop. The Awa Odori festival is held annually in August during the Bon festival, attracting over a million tourists from both Japan and overseas. To fully experience the charm of Awa Odori, be sure to visit the Awa Odori Kaikan.

Local insights

My name is Yuka Aihara. In my daily work, I handle administrative tasks and event planning related to Awa Odori performances at the Awa Odori Kaikan office. Since I also participate in Awa Odori in my personal time, I occasionally join performances as a backup dancer in the Awa Odori Hall on the second floor.

Awa Odori and Expo 2025

At Awa Odori Kaikan, visitors can experience traditional festivals that are unique to Japan and have been handed down for years, which relates to the Expo theme, "Connecting Lives."

Q1: How does this attraction bring tourists and locals together?

A: To foster interactions between local residents and travelers, the Awa Odori performances feature experience corners where dancers give friendly lessons so the audience can dance along. Additionally, during daytime performances, subtitles in English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese are provided to introduce the narimono (musical instruments) and explain the dances, ensuring that international visitors can fully enjoy the experience.

Q2: What kind of impressions have you got from visitors?

A: We've received many comments from participants, such as "I was deeply moved! I'll come back tomorrow!" and "I've become completely obsessed with Awa Odori!" It's heartwarming to see so many visitors returning for repeat visits. When we see them dancing with smiles on their faces in the experience corner, it brings us great joy.

Q3: Any message for visitors planning to see Expo 2025?

A: Visiting Awa Odori Kaikan will be one of your greatest memories in Japan. Please come and see the authentic Tokushima Awa Odori dance.

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