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Tomeyama Trekking and Onsen Experience

Tomeyama Trekking and boat-shaped, rock-formed onsen baths

Trek through the enchanting UNESCO World Heritage beech-tree forests

This tour takes you on a trek across the forested edge of the Shirakami Sanchi, a mountainous area designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Tomeyama is a hill with an elevation of 160–180 meters that is a rare place in Japan as it maintains its original broadleaf forest (mostly beech trees). You can see Japanese oak and beech trees, some of which are over three centuries old. To protect the forest, all visitors must be accompanied by a guide from the Happo Shirakami Guide Association. After the trek, enjoy an unobstructed view of the Japan Sea while soaking outdoors in boat-shaped and rock-formed onsen baths. The perfect activity to pair with a journey on the scenic ‘Resort Shirakami' train, which followes the coastline between Aomori City and Akita City offering passengers incredible views of the Japan Sea along the way.

Resort Shirakami website:


Office hours: 09:00 ~ 22:00

Tour time: approx. 3 hours


Akitashirakami Station:

Approx 180 mins from JR Hirosaki Station on the JR 'Resort Shirakami'.

Address: (Akitashirakami Station)

51 Goshonodai, Hachimori, Hoppou-machi, Yamamoto-gun, Akita



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