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Kashiragashima Church

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A Church That Has Transmitted Nagasaki’s History of Christianity


During the period in which Christianity was prohibited, the Hidden Christians in Japan survived and kept their faith in secret in the Nagasaki and Amakusa regions, existing alongside traditional Japanese religions in non-Christian communities. Like the Douzaki Church introduced on our diving page, Nagasaki Prefecture is home to numerous churches with deep ties to Hidden Christians. One of those churches is Kashiragashima Church which is part of a series of properties inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage and is one of the invaluable places that show you their unique and significant history.


Built with a Traditional European Technique


In 1919, Kashiragashima Church was built with “rustication”—a traditional Italian masonry technique from the Renaissance (from the 14th century to the 16th century)—using the sandstone quarried in Nagasaki. Stone-built churches are rare in Japan, making this church even more unique with its stately atmosphere created by the weighty material. The beautiful interior with original decorations like stained-glass windows and the Christian cemetery bordered by the sea are worth a visit.



How to get there


From Nagasaki Port, take the high speed ferry to Arikawa Port (100 min). From there, take a 20-minute taxi ride to Kashiragashima Tenshudo.


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