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Food & Drink

Okinawa's Gourmet Specialties

Explore Healthy and Tasty Foods in Okinawa


The charms of local Okinawan food are rooted in the mixing of food cultures. Based on the traditional cuisine passed on from the Ryukyu Dynasty, Okinawan food features characteristics of cuisine from mainland Japan and China.With tasty and healthy dishes such as goya chanpuru, a stir-fry made with bitter-melon, Okinawa offers a wide variety of delicious foods to devour on!


Goya Chanpuru


One of the most iconic Okinawan dishes that you can try is the traditional dish, goya chanpuru! The Okinawan term chanpuru translates into “a mixture of various things thrown together to form a whole,” and goya chanpuru is exactly that—a stir-fry dish made with bitter melon (goya) and ingredients such as scrambled eggs, tofu, and pork. This dish is a summertime staple loved for its refreshing and healthy flavors.




Okinawan Beef and Pork


With the nature-rich environment of the island, Okinawa is known for its quality livestock farming. Popular premium quality meat breeds include the Agu pork, a rare breed known for its high quality and value, and the Ishigaki Beef, the sweet, flavorful type of beef raised by the warm and stress-free environment of the island.




Okinawa Soba


Along with Goya Chanpuru, no conversation about Okinawan food can go without mentioning Okinawa Soba. Okinawa soba is made from wheat, rather than buckwheat, and is served in a rich broth with toppings like fish cake and pork belly. You can find Okinawa Soba all over the island so try a couple and find your favorite!




Tropical Fruits


Blessed with an abundance of tropical fruits, Okinawa offers something for everyone. From favorites such as mango and pineapple to dragon fruit and passion fruit, enjoy the juicy, sweet flavors of the great tropical lineup.



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