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Valley of Gangala

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Explore Okinawa's Mystic Forest


The Valley of Gangala, in Nanjo City on the main island of Okinawa, is a treasure house of surreal landscapes. Limestone caves formed hundreds of thousands of years ago collapsed, and trees and shrubs grew to cover the area and eventually created this marvelous valley.


Highlights of the Valley


In the Valley of Gangala, you will encounter miraculous things that have been created by nature over time. A 150-year-old Ufushu Gajumaru (Giant Banyan Tree) spreads its hanging roots over a cliff in the middle of rugged limestone, making an otherworldly space. There is also an ongoing excavation site where traces of the prehistoric Minatogawa people, ancestors of the Japanese, have been discovered.


Guided Tours Only


Tourists are not allowed to enter the valley on their own. The only way to see this nature paradise is to join a guided tour. Book a tour in advance, and then go on an 80-minute walk of adventure with your professional guide.



How to get there


From Naha Airport, take a 30-minute taxi ride to the Valley of Gangala.


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