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Diving Destination Kyoto Prefecture The land of History and Culture

About Kyoto

A prefecture of Japan in the Kansai region of the island of Honshu. Its capital is the famous city of Kyoto.
To the north, it faces the Sea of Japan and Fukui Prefecture. To the south, it faces Osaka and Nara Prefectures.
21% of its area is designated as Natural Parks and Quasi-National Parks.
Kyoto is very popular by tourists all around the world. The city is ancient and full of Japanese traditional buildings and culture.
It is hard to imagine diving here but local diving shops has excursion day trips to Kanmuri jima Islands, Echizen area. Recently, snorkeling tours to see the endemic and protected Japanese Giant Salamander in the wild are offered to the visitors. Another, unforgettable experience you can consider during your stay.

Arashiyama Seiryugawa river 


Snorkeling location for Seiryugawa river






An 4km Island off the coast of Kyoto. Famous for it's large colony of Streaked Shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas), a nationally protected bird. For this reason, you are not permitted to land on this Island.
There are several diving points around this Island. If your lucky, you may encounter wild dolphins in these waters. The underwater terrain is dynamic with it's deep drop-offs. You can enjoy both Macro and wide diving here.




Kumogahata(Kamogawa river) 


This area is a location for Kamogawa river snorkeling trip.



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