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Diving Destination Tottori Prefecture Japanese desert

About Tottori

Tottori is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chugoku region of Honshu. Tottori Prefecture are surrounded by Shimane Prefecture , Hiroshima Prefecture, Okayama Prefecture and Hyogo Prefecture.It is a popular holiday destination for Japanese people because of the Tottori Sand Dunes, the largest sand dunes system in Japan.
14% of the area was designated as Natural Parks, such as the Daisen-Oki and Sanin Kaigan National Parks, Hiba-Dogo-Taishaku and Hyonosen-Ushiroyama-Nagisan Quasi-National Parks and Misasa-Togoko, Nishi Inaba and Okuhino Prefectural Natural Parks.


Located in the San'in Kaigan Global Geopark


"Natanejima Island point" offers exciting dynamic underwater terrain such as underwater caves and channels.If you love big school of large size fishes, at "Yamadashi point", you may encounter large school of Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata) .
At "Goishiwara point" there is a Seahorse rock where you can meet the seahorses all year round.


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