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This Weekend: Sky Lanterns Illuminate Kitazawa Flotation Plant

Come and create unforgettable memories by launching colorful lanterns carrying your wishes into the night sky at the overgrown, illuminated ruins of the Kitazawa Flotation Plant! The venue is a popular tourist spot that will make you feel as though you've entered a scene from a film. This event was first held last year and sold out within a few days of tickets being released!

There will be 4 different colors of lanterns available. The colors can be chosen on a first-come-first-served basis. Write your wish or draw a picture on your lantern and release it into the sky.

When: September 23 (Sat): 18:30-19:30

Where: Kitazawa Flotation Plant, 952-1539 Sado City, Aikawa, Kitazawa-machi 3-2

Admission: 4,500 yen per lantern

For more details and booking please see the link below:


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