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The Art of Tea Ceremony in Kanazawa
©Kanazawa City
HOME > Japan’s Local Treasures > The Art of Tea Ceremony in Kanazawa
Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture
While visiting Kanazawa, you might hear that more people study tea ceremony, also called chadō or sadō, here than in any other city in Japan.
To discover why, you need to look back to the year 1666, when the samurai lord of Kanazawa brought a tea master from Kyoto to give him lessons in the art. Tea ceremony was one of the necessary accomplishments for a samurai warrior, serving as a symbol of their power, prestige and taste—and a way to entertain guests. Along with the Kyoto tea master came a potter, who opened a kiln dedicated to making tea bowls and other equipment.
Once the lord had decided to study chadō (“the way of tea”), its popularity also began to spread among the townspeople, and it became part of the daily life of Kanazawa. It’s still an important part of the regional culture today, and there are many places for you to choose from to experience an authentic tea ceremony in Kanazawa. Options include the Gyokusen’an tearoom at the Kanazawa Castle Park and the Nomura Samurai Family Residence tearoom. See the link below for further details.
Take the direct JR Hokuriku Shinkansen from Tokyo Station to Kanazawa Station (about 2 hours and 30 minutes).
2-17 Hashiba-cho, Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa-ken
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