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Cycle the Sea of Japan Coast in Niigata
HOME > Japan’s Local Treasures > Cycle the Sea of Japan Coast in Niigata
Niigata Prefecture
Niigata, located along the Sea of Japan Coast, is home to several unique cycling roads. Among the best of these is the “Kubiki Cycling Road,” a 33-kilometer route built on the remains of the Old Hokuriku Railroad.
Bring your own bicycle or rent one at JR Itoigawa Station or Marine Dream Nou, a roadside rest area where you can also enjoy a variety of fresh seafood.
The Kubiki Cycling Road connects the cities of Itoigawa and Joetsu. It also runs through the Itoigawa UNESCO Global Geopark, where you can discover the region’s outstanding geological, ecological, and cultural diversity and heritage while learning about how the land has shaped the lives of local people and communities.
On your return trip, enjoy beautiful landscapes along the coast as you pass through fishing communities and pastoral scenery dotted with shrines, temples, and more. On clear days, you can even see Noto Peninsula and Sado Island across the waves.
From Tokyo Station, take the Hokuriku Shinkansen to Itoigawa Station (about 2 hours and 15 minutes). The Kubiki Cycling Road start point is at Nakashuku Seaside Park, 30 minutes by bicycle from the station.
557-1 Nakashuku, Itoigawa-shi, Niigata-ken
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