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Taiza Crab: Kyotango’s Specialty
HOME > Japan’s Local Treasures > Taiza Crab: Kyotango’s Specialty
Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture
“Phantom Crabs” is the nickname for Kyotango’s special brand of snow crab, officially called “Taiza Crabs” after the port at which they are brought ashore. The crab fishing season starts on November 6th, and there are only five boats licensed to catch them. The fishing grounds are close to port so the boats are able to return on the same day, meaning they can use much smaller boats than usual. This makes the hauls relatively small as well, and this scarcity has given the crabs the nickname “phantom.” The quick return, and harborside auction, also makes these among the freshest snow crabs in Japan.
To maximize their freshness, eating the crab at a local ryokan inn is highly recommended, as you’ll have crab that was caught earlier that day. You get more than just freshness, though: the ryokan will prepare the crab in a variety of different ways, so you can experience all the flavors and textures the crab has to offer. From the meatiness of boiled and grilled crab to the delicate flavors of raw crab sashimi and even the umami-rich, acquired taste of crab miso or dark meat, you can try it all in Kyotango.
2 hours and 25 minutes by car from Shin-Osaka Station.
3 hours by car from Kansai Interntional Airport.
Taiza, Kyotango-shi, Kyoto-fu
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