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Inaniwa Udon

This particular udon is specially made in the Inaniwa area of Inakawa machi, Akita prefecture. It is hand-stretched, dried slightly, thinner and smoother than other udon. Stringent attention to the techniques and ingredients used to make Inaniwa udon results in a delicate taste and glossy appearance. Inaniwa udon was served exclusively as Imperial food during the Edo period due to the high quality ingredients used and time taken to make it (up to 4 days). Inaniwa udon is now commonly eaten in a hot clear broth topped with shiso leaves and pickles, or served cold on a bamboo mat accompanied with different dipping sauces such as soy sauce, miso and sesame.

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Address: Sato Yosuke Shoten Flagship Store Japan, 〒012-0107 Akita-ken, Yuzawa-shi, Inaniwachō, Inaniwa−80 Tel: +81-(0)18-343-2911
Website: https://www.sato-yoske.co.jp/en/shop/sato-yosuke-shoten-flagship-store/
Phone: not available



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