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Gyutan (Beef Tongue)

Gyutan originated from Sendai – gyu means “cow” and tan derives from the English word “tongue” and it literally means “cow tongue”. This dish is usually served with oxtail soup, barley rice and pickles. There are several ways to prepare this delicacy – grilled over charcoal, as a curry, beef stew, donburi or in a bento.

It was difficult at the start for the Japanese to adapt to this particular dish but through word-of-mouth of its, meaty flavour, tender texture and juiciness, gyutan is now served throughout Japan.

Best time to visit: All seasons

Dateno Gyuutan

Address: Japan, 〒980-0021 Miyagi Prefecture, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Chuo, 4 Chome−10−11

Tel: +81-(0)22-722-2535

How to get there:

It is about 7 minutes’ walk from JR Sendai Station.

Watch a video 


Address: Miyagi Prefecture, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Chuo, 4 Chome−10−11
Website: https://gurunavi.com/en/t274200/rst
Phone: not available



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