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Hiking the Osado Ishina Natural Cedar Forest

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Walking the Tranquil Trails of Sado


Osado Ishina Natural Cedar Forest extends to the northern regions of Sado Island at an altitude of 900 meters, offering tranquil walks on hiking trails that offer access to the vast natural beauty of Sado.




The entrance to the trail can be reached by car from the city. Approximately 500 meters up the hill there is an entryway to the promenade made of towering cedar trees that have been growing for as long as 400 years.


Therapeutic Walk in the Forest of Towering Trees


Along the 650-meter promenade sits a number of towering trees, all given names such as Zogesugi (ivory cedar) and Hagoromosugi (magic robe cedar). Some of the trees are over 300 years old and will leave visitors standing in awe of Sado's beauty.



How to get there


From Niigata Port, take the jetfoil boat (65 min) to Ryotsu Port on Sado Island. From there, take a 60-minute taxi ride to the Osado Ishina Natural Cedar Forest.


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