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Tokyo Metro Introduces New App: "Tokyo Metro For Tourists"!


 "Tokyo Metro For Tourists" is the Tokyo Metro's official free app for international travelers visiting Tokyo. It is available in six languages: English, Korean, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Thai, French, and Spanish. The app provides a single place where travellers can solve their problems - it's also designed to help you find useful sightseeing information quickly!

The app displays recommended sightseeing spots based on information you save in the app about the places you want to visit and the things you want to do in Tokyo. This information helps you enjoy sightseeing in Tokyo even more. Make sure to use this app when touring Tokyo's sights on the Tokyo Metro. Tokyo Metro will endeavor to provide ever better information to international visitors to Japan, making navigating Tokyo's subways an easier experience.

Check out the PDF Below for more details.


For consumer inquiries, please use the Tokyo Metro Inquiry Form:



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