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Diving Destination Nagasaki Prefecture Fusion and fire in Japan's international gateway

About Nagasaki

Nagasaki is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Kyushu. Bordering Saga Prefecture on the east and predominantly surrounded by water, it also includes a large number of island groups, including the dynamic islands of Goto, the “five-island archipelago.”
The history of Nagasaki is tied to that of Christianity in Japan. Some of the locals are descendants of Christians who came to their faith when Portuguese missionaries brought Christianity to Japan in the late 16th century when practicing Christianity was forbidden in Japan. The islands now have several prominent Catholic churches, the oldest being the Dōzaki Church, built in 1868.
In addition to its historical significance, Nagasaki also offers many excellent diving locations, from the calm Omura Bay to Tatsunokuchi, located 30 min. from Nagasaki City. However, it is the Goto Islands that truly make Nagasaki a diving destination. The Tsushima Current (a branch of the Kuroshio) passes around the islands, making a unique ecology with both tropical and cold-water marine life that is great for drift diving. Most diving areas are within 20 minutes from the boat harbor, but boats do not usually return after each dive, ensuring that you can get the most out of each excursion. The best diving season is from September through October, with a high visibility of over 15 meters. In other months, visibility hovers around six to eight meters due to the amount of plankton in the water.

Omura Bay 


Omura Bay is located in the center of Nagasaki Prefecture with maximum depth of 5m, averaging depth 2m. A shallow bay with many local marine life seen only around Japan. If you are a underwater photographer, you will probably not swim around to capture the beautiful underwater scenes you find here.




Goto Island Kami goto 

The Gotō Islands, the "five-island archipelago" in the East China Sea

Located off the western coast of Kyushu.
The Tsushima Current (a branch of the Kuroshio) passes around the islands making this ecology very unique with both tropical and cold area marine life live side by side.
The Kamigoto area offers the underwater acient remains called "Korai Sone".



Goto Island Shimo goto 


The Tsushima Current (a branch of the Kuroshio) passes around the islands making this ecology very unique with both Tropical and cold area marine life live side by side.
The Shimogoto area offers the largest leisure underwater wreck in Japan. the lenghth of he wreck is over 100m.





A 1hour ride on a Speed ferry, Ikinoshima Island is a popular tourist destination for the locals. Noted internationally as the most southern Coral reef colony in the world.
You can enjoy both the macro dive creatures to the large schools of fishes in this ocean.



Kujukushima Island 

Underwater treasure box of ocean creatures "Kujukushima Island"

Kujūku Islands is a group of islands ranging in the west coast of Kitamatsuura Peninsula, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. The name Kujūku-shima translates to "ninety-nine islands", though the total number of the islands is formally considered to be two hundred and eight. The whole area is designated as part of Saikai National Park. Here you can find many aquatic life with every dive.





Located only 30min away from the center of Nagasaki City, Tatsunokuchi is a popular diving destination in Kyushu area. It is a beach entry point but the depth can be as deep as 30m, giving more variety to what you can see here. You can always dive here as this area is protected from bad weather conditions .


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