Daisen-Oki National Park

Hiruzen Information Service

Get information on the Hiruzen area from regional experts and enjoy local produce

Head to Hiruzen Information Service to learn more about northern Okayama’s top attractions and find out about the best places to camp, eat, hot-spring bathe and hike. The facility is located next to the Kaze-no-Ie Roadside Station, where you can purchase local vegetables and dairy products for campsite cooking. Dining is also available at the roadside station.

During weekends and holidays, staff members are on hand to answer questions and help you choose from the many pamphlets on offer. Ask for tips on the area’s seasonal events, including lantern festivals, piano concerts and tours of local farms.

visitor center  
Open During Kaze-no-Ie Roadside Station’s open hours
Closed Irregularly (depending on Kaze-no-Ie Roadside Station’s schedule and weather conditions)
Cost Free of charge
Foreign Languages Some pamphlets, tablets, etc. available in foreign languages
Address 1380-6 Hiruzen Kamitokuyama, Maniwa City, Okayama Prefecture (on the Kaze-no-Ie Roadside Station premises)
Phone (+81) 0867-66-3220 (Hiruzen Tourism Association)
Website www.hiruzen.info (JP)

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