Unzen-Amakusa National Park

A Day of Miyama Kirishima Azalea Conservation

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Help protect the Miyama Kirishima azalea colonies of Oku-Unzen

Miyama Kirishima azalea flowers bloom in the Oku-Unzen area of Unzen-Amakusa National Park from late April. Historically, cattle and horses would graze on the undergrowth, keeping the azaleas healthy. Nowadays, grazing is less common and humans must manually remove the undergrowth to allow the azaleas to thrive. Spend the day in the area’s forests clearing vegetation to help conserve these azaleas, enjoy a hearty local lunch, and participate in an optional zazen meditation session. A photo of the Miyama Kirishima azaleas at their peak will be sent to you as thanks for your conservational efforts.

activity   guided   wildlife  
Available Year-round; closed 1st Sundays of each month
Duration 3 hours
Cost Adults (age 12 and over): 3,000 yen, children (ages 6 to 11): 1,500 yen. An overnight course and other courses are also available. Please contact us for more information. Maximum of 20 people can be accommodated. There are no group rates.
Contact NPO Okuunzen Nature Conservatory Association
Phone (+81) 0957-78-3521 (JP)
Email okuunzen@gmail.com
Website http://www.okuunzen.org (JP)

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