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Ryukyu Sweets with Tea Service

HOME > Japan’s Local Treasures > Ryukyu Sweets with Tea Service


Experience traditional sweets at Shurijo Castle, a World Heritage site that tells the story of the Ryukyu Kingdom

Okinawa Churashima Foundation



At the tea house in Keizuza/Yomotzuza, a beautifully restored traditional building within Shuri Castle, visitors can enjoy a luxurious Tea Presentation Service that pairs traditional Ryukyu sweets with sanpin tea.

Here, you will sample four seasonal sweets chosen from among iconic Ryukyu confections that have been passed down since the Ryukyu Kingdom era (1429-1879).

Toganzuke (winter melon pickle) is a unique dish that uses vegetables as sweets by simmering winter melon in sugar for a long time. Savor the gentle aroma and the sweetness that spreads inside your mouth.

Hanaboru is a baked sweet that was also popular in the Shogun’s capital of Edo (now Tokyo). The intricate cutting mold used to form the confections exists only in Okinawa, offering a visual treat as well.

Kunpen is an elegant sweet that was offered to welcome Chinese envoys to the Ryukyu Kingdom and for various rituals.

Koguwashi/Rakugan (rice cake sweets) are made by steaming and drying glutinous rice, then adding sugar and malt syrup. The molded sweets used to be served as tea confections celebrating the Lunar New Year.

Chinsuko is well known today as a souvenir from Okinawa, but it's a historic sweet that has been made since the Ryukyu Kingdom era. While the confections used to be shaped like chrysanthemum flowers, they were later made in a more elongated form for easier consumption.

Enjoy traditional sweets from Okinawa’s Ryukyu Kingdom era in a relaxed atmosphere at Shurijo Castle. We look forward to welcoming all visitors.


How to get there


Fly from Haneda Airport to Naha Airport (about 3 hours). From Naha Airport, take the Yui Rail monorail to Shuri Station (about 30 minutes). It’s a 15-minute
walk to the Shureimon gate of Shurijo Castle.


1-2 Shuri Kinjo-cho, Naha-shi, Okinawa-ken


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