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Nagasaki Prefecture: 7 Thing to do in the West of Kyushu

With just under 600 different islands in the prefecture, Nagasaki is full of cultural and natural experiences for anyone who makes the trip over. Stretching out over the west coast of the southern island of Kyushu, endless views and beautiful beaches make for a relaxing stay. Whether you are travelling by bullet train or plane, boating to and from the many islands off the coast, you’re in for a stunning time in Nagasaki Prefecture.

8 Things to do in Ehime Prefecture: On the Coast of the Seto Inland Sea

Ehime Prefecture sits on the northern coast of the island of Shikoku, facing Yamaguchi, Hiroshima, and the southern island of Kyushu. Noted for its pristine nature and scenery, Ehime has anything and everything that you could want for a getaway. From the historic capital city of Matsuyama to part of the legendary leg of the Shikoku Pilgrimage, let’s check out Ehime Prefecture!



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