Surrounded by rich nature, Japan has four magical seasons. Autumn is considered one of the most beautiful as the landscape turns vibrant shades of orange, yellow, and red. Colorful autumn leaves, known as koyo, have been admired in Japan for centuries and today, together with the Sakura (cherry blossoms), attract a large number of visitors, both local and international. The perfect time to visit these incredible sights is from late September to early December, depending on the place, elevation, and temperature of the year
Each year, the season of scenic autumn leaves begins in colder areas of northern Hokkaido and gradually moves southward to central and southern Japan. In each region, the mountains are colored first, then scenes of colored leaves spread into city gardens, parks, and temples. Both areas are definitely worth a visit. The secret behind the picturesque vivid foliage lies in Japan’s typical autumn weather – a difference in temperature between cooler mornings, warm sunny daytime, and cold evenings that allow autumn leaves to change. The scenic autumn season is the time of year when it is neither too hot nor too cold, making it easy and comfortable to travel. This is also the season of harvest and fine seasonal food, which potentially makes autumn the best time for you to visit.
2023 Autumn Leaves Forecast – when and where to see koyo
2023 Autumn Leaves Forecast - when and where to see koyo
Best Destinations for Scenic Autumn Leaves
Autumn leaves – each destination has its own unique character and beauty, including the magnificent landscapes of Hokkaido, the eye-catching color contrast of temples and trees in Kyoto, and radiant mountains across Kyushu. The most iconic and popular autumn-colored tree is a Japanese maple tree, characterized by a breathtaking gradation from green to yellow, orange, and red leaves that can occasionally be seen all at once. Make the most of Japan while admiring sceneries filled with colorful autumn leaves.
Region | Prefecture | City | Best season | Average | 2023 Trend |
Hokkaido | Hokkaido | Sapporo | Mid-November | 28-Oct | Late |
Kushiro | Late October | 16-Oct | Late | ||
Tohoku | Miyagi | Sendai | Late November | 21-Nov | Late |
Akita | Akita | Mid-November | 12-Nov | Late | |
Aomori | Aomori | Mid-November | 13-Nov | Late | |
Hokuriku Shinetsu | Nagano | Nagano | Mid-November | 12-Nov | Average year |
Niigata | Niigata | Late November | 15-Nov | Late | |
Ishikawa | Kanazawa | Late November | 24-Nov | Late | |
Kanto | Tokyo | Chiyoda | Early December | 28-Nov | Late |
Tokai | Aichi | Nagoya | Early December | 28-Nov | Average year |
Kansai | Osaka | Osaka | Early December | 01-Dec | Late |
Chugoku | Hiroshima | Hiroshima | Late November | 22-Nov | Late |
Shikoku | Kochi | Kochi | Early December | 02-Dec | Average year |
Kyushu | Kagoshima | Kagoshima | Mid-December | 15-Dec | Average year |
Fukuoka | Fukuoka | Early December | 01-Dec | Late |
* based on data from previous years