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Diving Destination Kanagawa Prefecture Seaside, shrines and stretchy pants in cosmopolitan Kanagawa

About Kanagawa

The prefectural capital city of Yokohama is less than 30 minutes from Shibuya station and shows a different side of Kanto’s urban landscape.
Yokohama is a city of diverse districts; The futuristic seafront of Minato Mirai 21 is full of international shops and restaurants while further along at Motomachi-Chukagai is Japan’s largest Chinatown. You will need to have your stretchy pants for a visit to the Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum, a food theme park of nine restaurants selling ramen from different regions of Japan. If you have not had your fill of noodles yet then there’s also the Yokohama Cup Noodles museum.
Although Yokohama is famous, when talking about Kanagawa prefecture, the prefecture itself is large. It stretches form the Tokyo bay to Shizuoka prefecture to the west. With beautiful popular beaches, such as Shonan, Zushi, Chigasaki, to the famous hot spa “Onesen” areas, such as Hakone area.
Diving here is popular. There are many reasons for its popularity, but one major reason would be its location from Tokyo. The Miura peninsula, the local station near the diving areas are less than an hour away from Yokohama station. The Hayama, Kamakura diving areas are the same. By car, it is an hour or two away from Tokyo. The local marine life are abundant as well. With many different sub currents flowing in to and from the Tokyo bay, many small size marine creatures are seen in all the diving spots. Many nudibranchs and endemic types of fishes.



An easy access from central Tokyo, you can night dive and still head back to Tokyo. Night diving is possible every night(Need to inquire).
From Spring to Summer, many variety of nudibranch can be seen. Also large schools of fishes are also seen here, mainly in the summer to autumn season.





Macro heaven near Tokyo


Only 1hour drive from the center of Tokyo, hayama is a popular diving destination for the Tokyo region divers. You can enjoy beech diving in a relatively shallow waters. The maximum depth is around 15m. This diving sight is not just popular because of the distance from central Tokyo,
Hayama is a "Natural monument designated area",with lush seaweed forest. It's wide range of nudibranch lures many underwater photographer from all around the region.
After diving, there are many restaurants and cafe around the diving area to relax and look back on you day of diving.






Popular for the variety of frogfishes you can encounter through out the year. An easy access from Tokyo makes this site an ideal day trip destination.





Intersections for Sea currents(Tokyo Bay, Sagami Bay and the Black current)


The East side is the Tokyo Bay, with many nudibranch. With the right condition, you may be lucky to see over 30 types of nudibranch in this area. Due to the currents, you can see many large school of fishes as well. The underwater terrain is also diverse as well. You can enjoy diving along side large cracks(100m long 10m deep) and dynamic drop offs during your diving. There is a very shallow beach diving point where you can enjoy the long dive with the macro marine life.




Enoshima/Eboshi iwa 

Just 1hour train ride from Shinjuku station (Center of Tokyo)


Shonan sea shore, located in Kanagawa prefecture is a famous marine resort for Tokyo and Kanagawa residents. The city is filled with restaurants and marine activity facilities to entertain any Ocean lover around the world. The diving here is also exciting for marine life lovers.
There are different diving sites in this area offering many underwater scenery. From ocean floor are covered by seaweed with rock pillars to the sawtooth shaped underwater rock formation, you will see abundance of marine life all around this ar





Located next to the east coast Izu peninsula by Manazuru, Fukuura is a unique diving area offering protection from harsh winter winds. When all diving points on the east coast of Izu are closed due to unfavorable wind condition, Fukuura may be open.
The easy access from Tokyo by train is another factor that makes Fukuura popular.





Located between Odawara and Atami, Iwa is a diving area popular to the local divers. There is one beach point max. depth of 14m to and 4 boat points max. depth of 30m. You can enjoy both large school of fishes and the Macro creatures found in this location. In the winter time, you can see the tiny Lethotremus awae, a favorite for the Japanese divers.





A secret hideaway diving spot for local divers. Mitohama, with it's marina,restorants, hotel and it's coconut trees, looks more like a oversea resort rather than small local village. You can enjoy both beach and boat diving from nudibranch to schools of large fishes to entertain you.





Located on the southern tip of Miura peninsula, Moroiso is a easy day trip away from central Tokyo. The diving areas are shallow (6M) and full of marine life. It will satisfy any fish watchers appetite.





An unique diving point with sunken train platforms from the big earthquake 80 years ago. The underwater environment are filled with macro creatures. Frogfishes(Various) through out the year ,Short-bodied pipe fish(Solenostomus cyanopterus) from summer to autumn season and Lethotremus awae, in the winter season.

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