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General Checklist for Traveling to Japan Tokyo Station

General Checklist for Traveling to Japan What to need before and after entry into Japan

Last updated: Wednesday, 7 September

Quarantine process after entry into Japan differs according to the grouping(“●Blue”, “●Yellow” , and “●Red” categories) of the countries/regions in which the entrants stayed within 14 days before the day of application for landing on Japan

Please check the grouping of the countries/regions on this page.

Please refer to this page if your purpose of visiting Japan is “tourism”.

Those who obtain a valid vaccination certificate are not required to get a Covid-19 negative test certificate(the test must be conducted within 72 hours prior to your scheduled departure time).

Regarding each group’s entry process to Japan, please check the following information.

Covid-19 on-arrival test and Isolation period<br>
* Grouping of the countries/regions: www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/covid-19/border_category.html
** Valid COVID-19 vaccination certificate: www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page24e_000317.html

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