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Migishi Kotaro Museum of Art Hokkaido 北海道立三岸好太郎美術館

Migishi Kotaro Museum of Art Migishi Kotaro Museum of Art
Migishi Kotaro Museum of Art Migishi Kotaro Museum of Art

A museum dedicated to Kotaro Migishi, one of Japan's pioneering avant-garde artists

The artist Kotaro Migishi passed away at the age of 31, his bereaved family donated 220 works to Hokkaido in 1967. Because of this, Migishi Kotaro Museum of Art was originally established in the Hokkaido Prefectural Art Museum in 1967 as Kotaro Migishi memorial room and was newly opened at the current location in 1983.

Don't Miss

  • Music concerts every two to three weeks on Saturdays
  • Lectures about the artist and other topics

How to Get There

The Migishi Kotaro Museum of Art, Hokkaido is located in the city of Sapporo , which can be easily accessed by train, subway or bus.

Take the Tozai subway line to West 18 and then walk eight minutes.

If you catch a bus, use the JR or Chuo buses that run between Sapporo and Otaru or Teine. It is a 450-meter walk from the Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art bus stop.

Quick Facts

Kotaro Migishi was painting for about 15 years before he died

The layout of the museum is partially based on a plan Migishi made

Not just paintings

The Migishi Kotaro Museum of Art, Hokkaido is surrounded by a lovely garden, and it hosts lectures and music concerts. The 20 or so concerts in the space each year are tributes to a piece he painted titled “Orchestra.”

If you come here, do not forget to check out the Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art to the west.

The latest information may differ, so please check the official website

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  • Migishi Kotaro Museum of Art Hokkaido

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