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Kabuki as It Was Meant to Be Seen


Experience this colorful, dynamic, and timeless art at its home theatre in Tokyo


Kabuki, one of Japan’s most celebrated traditional performing arts, dates back more than 400 years. It is said to be based on a dance performed on the banks of the Kamo River in Kyoto. Since then, Kabuki has become a stylized art involving makeup, costumes, and stories that has entertained people since the Edo Period (1603-1868).

Kabuki has experienced a resurgence in popularity in modern times, and different plays are put on monthly at Ginza’s renovated Kabukiza (Kabuki Theatre). Kabuki can be enjoyed with a single act or an entire performance. The set design, stage, and colorful backdrops are complicated and intricate. Audience members are often impressed by the kakegoe, a distinctive vocal call; some spectators call out to the actors, bringing the viewer closer to the performer.




While all kabuki plays are performed in Japanese, it can be enjoyed with an understanding of the plot.




Kabukiza Theatre


4-12-15 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo-to




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