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17 Jan 18 Jan 19 Jan 20 Jan 21 Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan

Région de Kyushu

17 Jan (vendredi) 18 Jan (samedi)
Région Temp. max. Temp. min. Précip Temp. max. Temp. min. Précip
Fukuoka 10° 40% 13° 20%
Yahata 30% 10° -1° 20%
Iizuka 30% 13° 10%
Kurume 10° 20% 13° 10%
Oita 11° 20% 11° 10%
Nakatsu 60% 11° 20%
Hita 10° 30% 14° -2° 10%
Saiki 11° 20% 12° 20%
Nagasaki 10° 30% 12° 20%
Sasebo 10° 30% 13° 20%
Izuhara 10° 40% 13° 20%
Fukue 10° 50% 12° 20%
Saga 10° 30% 13° 20%
Imari 10° 40% 13° -1° 20%
Kumamoto 11° 20% 13° -2° 10%
Asootohime 10° 20% 13° 20%
Ushibuka -4° -5° 60% -4° -6° 40%
Hitoyoshi 10° -2° 20% 14° -4° 20%
Miyazaki 12° 10% 14° 20%
Nobeoka 12° 10% 13° 10%
Miyakonojo 12° -2° 0% 14° -1° 20%
Takachiho 10° -1° 20% 13° -3° 10%
Naze 10° 20% 13° -1° 10%
Kagoshima 12° 30% 14° 30%
Kanoya 13° -1° 10% 15° -1° 30%
Nishinoomote 12° 20% 14° 60%
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