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Kawagoe in spring

A boat on the sakura-lined Shingashi River in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture in spring

Partners Information: Kawagoe is a charming city in Saitama Prefecture with an Edo Period (1603-1867) atmosphere. Also known as Koedo, which means ‘Little Edo’, the area once flourished as a major transportation and commercial hub, and many streets are still lined with traditional buildings, warehouses and shops. 

Cherry blossoms usually start to bloom around the end of March, typically peaking around late March to early April, and one of the best spots to enjoy them is along the Shingashi River that runs behind Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine. A festival and boat rides are held here when the sakura are in full bloom, and the sakura are also lit up at night, offering yet another way to enjoy the beautiful blossoms. 

Red and white striped lanterns hanging from sakura trees in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture    Traditional buildings on a street in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture

Kawagoe is around a half-hour trip from Ikebukuro Station on the Tobu Tojo Line but is also easily accessed from a number of other major stations in Tokyo. Discounted fares and special offers are available with Tobu Railway’s ‘Kawagoe Pass’ which offers an economical way to enjoy a day trip back in time.     

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