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Notice of Proposal Competition - MICE Promotions FY2020 (Advertising, Virtual BtoB Events and Giveaways)

We hereby announce the following proposal competition for MICE Promotions FY2020 (Advertising, Virtual BtoB Events and Giveaways).

Details of Project

The objective of this project is to promote Japan as a destination for MICE professionals in Australia and New Zealand, through advertising in trade media targeting MICE professionals, virtual mini-seminar and networking events and production of giveaways.

The proposal period will be from 27 November 2020 to 17 December 2020. Late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances.

Interested parties must email tendersau@jnto.go.jp asking for the Request for Proposals document with the project name (MICE Promotions FY2020 (Advertising, Virtual BtoB Events and Giveaways)) in the subject of the email, and must include a contact number and reply email. The Request for Proposals document will then be emailed to you. This document will contain all necessary information about project scope, deliverables and deadlines.

We will not hold any briefing session regarding this Request for Proposal. We will accept questions by email until 04 December 2020.

Proposals must be handed directly to the Sydney office, or are to be delivered by mail.

We are unable to provide information to you over the phone due to the competitive nature of the tender process.

Please refer to this document for further details:


21 Dec 2020 UPDATE: We hereby announce the successful proponent for this tender is GainingEdge.



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