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Sustainability and Water - An Interview with mymizu

Sustainability has been a hot topic in recent times, with people, places, and countries becoming more environmentally aware of waste and plastic usage. Especially in terms of single use plastics and plastic water bottles, the movement to reduce the number used is growing. We talked with Robin and Mariko, who created the company mymizu, which through its app helps people to find water refill stations all across Japan and the UK to limit plastic usage.

Travelling in Tohoku: the Gems of Fukushima Prefecture

The southernmost prefecture of the sublime Tohoku region, Fukushima is the closest getaway from Tokyo to experience this region’s unique beauty and cultural richness. From stunning natural wonders to historic towns, Fukushima prefecture highlights the best sights and experiences Japan has to offer. Come with us on a tour of this must-see travel location, which has undergone a recent renaissance.



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