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8 places in Kansai to see plum blossoms

Partners Information: Ume (plum blossoms) begin blooming in February, heralding the coming of spring and filling the air with their delicate fragrance. While they can look similar to sakura, you can distinguish between the two by looking at their petals – sakura petals have a slight split at the end, while plum blossom petals are rounded. 

Plum blossoms are not as famous as sakura, especially outside of Japan, but in February and March many Japanese people enjoy visiting places such as castle grounds, gardens and shrines to enjoy these beautiful blooms. 

Tsunagu Japan introduces eight places in the Kansai region you can enjoy these beautiful flowers. The featured places are: 

  • Osaka Castle Park Plum Grove, Osaka
  • Domyouji Tenmangu, Osaka
  • Sekai no Ume Park, Hyogo 
  • Kitano Tenmangu, Kyoto
  • Jonangu, Kyoto
  • Nara Park, Nara
  • Minabe Bairin, Wakayama
  • Hikone Castle, Shiga


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