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Hiking at Mt Gozaisho

Partners Information: Today, we are introducing Mt. Gozaisho, a recommended hiking spot to go to even in the hot summer!

Mt. Gozaisho is known as a very cool place with the top of the mountain being 10℃ cooler than the foot of the mountain. Escape the lingering heat with a hike up the mountain.

The view from the mountain top is marvelous and on clear days you can even see Mt. Fuji!

You can enjoy the scenery from many angles, like the view from the hiking trail and the view from the cable cars. After hiking, it’s a great idea to wash away the sweat at the Yunoyama Onsen Hot Springs at the foot of the mountain.

Your daily stress will disappear along with the sweat and you will feel refreshed. Visit Yunoyama Onsen Hot Springs and Mt. Gozaisho.

Hiking at Mt Gozaisho



It is convenient to take the Kintetsu Line to YUNOYAMA-ONSEN Station, to get to Yunoyama Onsen Hot Springs and Mt. Gozaisho,

To get to YUNOYAMA-ONSEN Station on the Kintetsu Line, take the KINTETSU-NAGOYA Station for about an hour. You will need to transfer trains at KINTETSU-YOKKAICHI Station.

It will take 2 and a half hours from OSAKA-NAMBA Station. This route also requires a transfer at YOKKAICHI Station on the Kintetsu Line.

Further information

Kintetsu Line Official English website




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