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Postcards from Japan: Tasting Tohoku, becoming a sake sommelier and supporting affected communities, with Jess Hallams

Mett Jess Hallams who like many before her, came to Japan 'for just one year' and never really left. During her JET Programme placement in Fukushima, she fell in love with the local people, and now continues to promote it from Miyagi prefecture where she works in tourism. Jess shared with us her tips on exploring and tasting Tohoku (trust us, there is plenty of delicious food there). Read on to find out more about her adventures and training to become a sake sommelier!

Postcards from Japan: Coastal road trips, life in Iwate, and becoming a full-time YouTuber with Sharla

Sharla is a YouTuber and a Tohoku local, she started her Japanese adventure 16 years ago when she moved to Morioka in Iwate prefecture to teach English. One marketing and tourism degree in Tokyo later, she is now an established name in the j-vloggosphere with both of her YouTube channels having over 600,000 subscribers each! Read on to find out more about road trips in Japan and her top 3 spots you need to add to your itinerary.

Postcards from Japan: Falling for Tohoku, writing a book on life after a disaster, and the importance of humour, with Caroline Pover

Caroline moved to Japan in the 90s in search of adventure and we can confirm that she has found plenty of it during the 15 years she had lived there. She is one of the titans working behind the scenes to help with rebuilding the Tohoku area in the aftermath of the March 11th 2011 Great East Japan Eartquake and Tsunami. We talked with Caroline about the Oshika Peninsula region - Tohoku's unknown gem and her new book  ‘One Month in Tohoku: An Englishwoman's memoir on life after the Japanese tsunami’. 

Postcards from Japan: Spiritual travel, Forest Therapy, and country life, with Alena Eckelmann

Alena grew up in East Germany and she found herself working in Tokyo when the 11 March 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami struck Japan. She always wanted to live in the countryside and this created an opportunity to make the big decision and move to Wakayama prefecture where she is now a Certified Forest Theraphy Guide, an experienced facilitator, and so much more. Find out about spiritual travel and exploring the Kii Peninsula, home to Wakayama, Nara, and Mie prefectures, just the south of Kyoto.

Postcards from Japan: Promoting sustainable solutions and family-friendly road trips in the Chugoku area, with Joy Jarman-Walsh

Joy was one of the JET Programme trailblazers in the 90s, involved with local tourism from 1999 she is one of the founders of GetHiroshima an amazing online resource for visitors and locals, and the creator of 'Inbound Ambassador' a sustainability-focused business. Join us to discover Japan's most exciting sustainable initiatives and the best plan for a family road trip in the Chugoku area. Time to venture outside the Peace Park in Hiroshima and Miyajima, and undercover the other local treasures!



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