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Postcards from Japan: Tohoku's sacred mountains, Buddhist waterfall training, and befriending the locals, with Sara Milliot

Discovering traditional Japanese music in her father's CD collection as a teenage girl has changed the tracks of Sara Milliot's life.
A JET Programme assignment to northern Tsuruoka has led her to discover a deep love for Tohoku, and what's even more important: the incredible local people who readily accepted her as a part of their community! Sara shared with us her top tips on getting around Tohoku, why there are so many mummies in the area, secrets of the local cuisine, and what else is hiding in the north, a bullet train ride away from Tokyo.

Postcards from Japan: Family campervanning, worldschooling, and 9 months in Japan during a global pandemic, with The Galavanting Family

Postcards from Japan: Turning 117, the Fukuoka food scene and breaking Guinness World Records with Tanaka Kane, the super-centenarian

That's right - you heard! She's not just a regular ol' centenarian...she's a SUPER-centenarian.

Japan historically is known as one of the oldest nations in the world and regularly tops the list for longest lifespan and average life expectancy, whether that's on the beaches of Okinawa or in the mountains of Nagano.

Now Tanaka Kane has snatched another world record for Japan. We asked her what the secret is and found out more.


Postcards from Japan: Writing a guidebook, Tokyo's spotless streets and the 100 soundscapes of Japan with Jo Davey

Long-time Japan fan and British travel writer Jo Davey started off her time in Japan in an enviable industry - food! Many years and many Japan itineraries later, she’s writing a guidebook to Okinawa and Japan’s Southwest Islands and biding the time until we can all get back there. She explains to us how she delves beneath the surface of a destination, why it's usually the people not the places, and what makes Japan precisely the place she wants to write, talk and wax lyrical about for a living.

Postcards from Japan: Beyond Kyoto's Big Sites, the Rewards of Lesser Known Spots and Finding Your Own Personal 'Ikigai' with Rachel // Girljin In Japan

Kyoto is a big draw for a lot of people and with good reason - it's the cultural heart of Japan. But with so many people visiting in recent years, knowing where to escape the crowds and get a  taste for a more authentic Kyoto has never been more key to your Japan itinerary. Rachel aka Girljin in Japan talks to us about daily life in Kyoto and which temples you should REALLY be visiting.



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