Exciting news: a brand new Yayoi Kusama Museum is set to open in Tokyo’s Shinjuku on 1st October 2017!
photo by Masahiro Tsuchido ©YAYOI KUSAMA
A Yayoi Kusama Museum is set to open in Tokyo’s Shinjuku on 1st October 2017.
Yayoi Kusama is one of Japan’s most famous and prolific artists. Even when people don’t recognise the name, mention her spotted 'kabocha' - that's 'pumpkins' in Japanese - and everybody lets out an ‘aaah’ of acknowledgement.
So it’s very exciting news for one and all that the internationally famed artist will have an entire museum dedicated to her polka-dot works from this autumn onwards, located in one of Tokyo’s most central and well-trodden districts.
The five storey Yayoi Kusama Museum will house a gift shop on the first floor, with floors two and three dedicated to exhibition spaces. On the fourth floor, the artist will create Instagram-friendly immersive installations. On floor five, visitors can expect to find a reading room with documents and material relating to Kusama’s works.
Each year, Kusama will run two rotating exhibitions, the first of which will be titled: “Creation is a Solitary Pursuit, Love is What Brings You Closer to Art”. This exhibition will run from 1st October 2017 until 25th February 2018. Tickets will go on sale from 28th August, and will cost around 1000 yen (£6.40) for adults, and 600 yen (£4.20) for children.
Address: Yayoi Kusama Museum, 107 Bentencho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 11:00am – 17:00pm daily, closed on Mondays and Wednesdays
The museum website, which is currently only available in Japanese, can be seen here: www.yayoikusamamuseum.jp/. For more information about the famous artist, visit her English language website.
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