4 Japanese ‘destinations’ to experience at Japanaroo+
Missing Japan? Experience ‘Japan at your doorstep’ in person and online at Japanaroo+ from 3-19 December 2021. Plus, your chance to win return tickets to Japan for you and a friend!
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Missing Japan? Experience ‘Japan at your doorstep’ in person and online at Japanaroo+ from 3-19 December 2021. Plus, your chance to win return tickets to Japan for you and a friend!
Partners Information: The sacred mountain of Koyasan is one of the best places to enjoy the autumn colours in Wakayama Prefecture. The best time to visit is late October through early November.
Partners Information: You can find Pokémon in Japan by looking for these special manhole covers, each with its own unique illustration, currently known as "Poké Lids".
Partners Information: Here are our top sightseeing locations in Kyoto for early morning and evening visits to beat the crowds and get some of the best photo opportunities.
Partners Information: The new Japan Wi-Fi auto-connect app by NTT makes it easy to find and connect to free Wi-Fi spots while travelling around Japan.
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