Ausschreibungen /Competitions & Tenders
Die Japanische Fremdenverkehrszentrale schreibt regelmäßig Projekte aus. Details entnehmen Sie bitte den Projektspezifikationen.
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Vergangene Ausschreibungen und Ankündigungen:
Notice of Proposal Competition for Exhibition at International Tourism Fairs in the European Market and Tour Operator Fam Trip in FY 2024 (As of May 14, 2024; ends June 25th; Winner announced here.)
Notice of Proposal Competition for Exhibition at International Tourism Fairs in the European Market and Tour Operator Fam Trip in FY 2024 (As of March 26, 2024; opens in May)
Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for the ‘Japan Luxury Seminar’ in the German Market in FY 2024 (As of March 11, 2024; Ends April 16, 2024; Winner announced here.)
Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for Press Trips and Influencer Trip in the German Market in FY2024 (As of February 12, 2024; Ends March 25, 2024; Winner announced here.)
Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for Outdoor Promotion and Joint Advertisement with tour operators and airlines in the German Market in FY 2024 (As of February 1, 2024; Ends March 19, 2024; Winner announced here.)
Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for marketing activities in Switzerland to promote Japan as a travel destination in FY 2024 (As of January 18, 2024; Ends February 28, 2024; Winner announced here.)
Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for SNS and web management, advertisement with influencers in German Market and SNS advertisement in Swiss Market in FY 2024 (As of January 16, 2024; Ends February 26, 2024; Winner announced here.)
Notice of 2 Scheduled Tenders for projects in FY 2024 (As of January 10, 2024) - 1. Project for Press Trips and Influencer Trip in German Market & 2. Project for Outdoor Promotion and Joint Advertisement with tour operators and airlines in German Market
Notice of Proposal Competition for Project fo PR and E-learning in the German market in FY 2024 (As of January 18, 2024; Ended February 13, 2024; Winner announced here.)
Notice of 3 scheduled Tenders for projects in FY 2024 (As of December 27, 2023)
Notice of Proposal Competition for Exhibition at International Tourism Fairs in the European Market and Tour Operator Fam Trip in FY 2023 (As of June 23, 2023, Winner announced here)
Notice of Proposal Competition for Outdoor promotion through Joint Advertisement with tour operators and airlines and Collaboration with European Outdoor Film Tour for German market in FY 2023 (As of July 11, 2023, Winner announced here)
Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for Press trip for the German and the Swiss markets in FY 2023 (As of June 28, 2023, Winner announced here)
Notice of the Scheduled Tender for Press trip for the German and the Swiss markets in FY 2023 (As of April 26, 2023)
Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for Advertisement using Influencer Promotion Videos for the German Market in FY2023 (As of April 05, 2023; Deadline April 25, 2023, Winner announced here)
Notice of the Scheduled Tender for Project for Advertisement using Influencer Promotion Videos for the German Market in FY2023 (As of March 03, 2023)
Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for SNS management and website promotion and contents creation in the German market in FY2023 (As of January 13, 2023; Deadline February 9; Winner announced here.)
Notice of the Scheduled Tender for Project for PR and E-learning in the German market in FY 2023 (As of December 24, 2022)
Notice of the Scheduled Tender for Marketing activities in Switzerland to promote Japan as a travel destination in FY2023 (As of December 24, 2022)
Notice of the Scheduled Tender for Project for SNS management and website promotion and contents creation in the German market in FY2023 (As of December 24, 2022)
Notice of Proposal Competition for Joint advertisement with tour operators in Swiss market in FY 2022 (As of November 7, 2022; Deadline November 28, 2022; Winner announced here.)
Notice of Proposal Competition Joint advertisement with tour operators and airlines in German market in FY 2022 (As of October 11, 2022; Deadline October 31, 2022.)
Notice of a scheduled Tender for Joint advertisement with tour operators in Swiss market in FY 2022 (As of October 26, 2022.)
Notice of Proposal Competition for Ski Fam Trips for the German and the Swiss markets in FY 2022 (re-tender) (As of October 19, 2022; Deadline October 31, 2022; Winner announced here.)
Notice of the Scheduled Tender for joint advertisement with tour operators and airlines in German market in FY 2022 (As of September 21, 2022)
Proposal Competition for Ski Fam Trips for the German and the Swiss market s in FY 2022 (As of September 13, 2022; Deadline: October 07; Winner announced here.)
Proposal Competition for Press trip for the German and the Swiss markets in FY 2022 (As of August 16, 2022; Deadline: September 26)
Proposal Competition for Exhibition at ITB Berlin 2023 and 2023, and Tour Operator Fam Trips in FY 2022 (As of August 12, 2022; Deadline: September 20; Winner announced here.)
Proposal Competition for Exhibition at International Tourism Fairs in the European Market in FY 2022 (As of July 15, 2022; Deadline: August 10; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for E-learning in the German market in FY2023 (As of January 17, 2023; Deadline February 17; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for marketing activities in Switzerland to promote Japan as a travel destination in FY2023 (As of January 17, 2023; Deadline February 16; Winner announced here.)
- Influencer Promotion featuring a celebrity for the German Market in FY 2022 (As of June 20, 2022; Deadline: July 20; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of the Scheduled Tender for Exhibition at Tourism Expos in Switzerland, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary (As of June 9, 2022.)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for digital promotion and contents creation in the German market in FY2022; (As of May 20, 2022; Submission Deadline: June 30; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for Outdoor and adventure sports Promotion for the German Market in FY 2022 (As of June 8, 2022; Submission Deadline: June 28; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for Revising ‘Japan Reiseinformation’ and creating brochure on outdoor and adventure sports in Japan for the German Market in FY 2022; (As of May 20, 2022. Submission Deadline: June 20; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of the Scheduled Tender for Project for Promotion featuring a celebrity in the German Market in FY2022; (As of May 24, 2022.)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for Marketing activities in Switzerland to promote Japan as a travel destination in FY2022 (As of January 12, 2022; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for SNS management and website promotion and contents creation in the German market in FY2022 (As of January 24, 2022.; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for PR and E-learning in the German market in FY2022 (As of January 24, 2022. Winner announced here.)
- Notice of the Scheduled Tender for Project for SNS management and website promotion and contents creation in the German market in FY2022 (As of January 11, 2022.)
- Notice of the Scheduled Tender for Project for PR and E-learning in the German market in FY2022 (As of January 11, 2022.)
- Notice of the Scheduled Tender for Marketing activities in Switzerland to promote Japan as a travel destination in FY2022 (As of Dezember 17, 2021.)
- Notice of Proposal Competition To promote Japan as a travel destination by exhibiting at ITB Berlin 2022 and at Ferien Messe Wien 2022 (FY 2021) (As of September 13, 2021; closed for entries October 4th; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of the scheduled Tender in the German Market (FY 2021) (As of August 30, 2021)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for Promotional Campaign in the SwissMarket (FY 2021) (As of June 9, 2021, closed for entries June 29, 2021; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for Influencer promotion for Tohoku in the German Market - FY2021 (As of June 7, 2021, closed for entries June 28, 2021; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for Content Creations in the German Market in FY2021 (Youtube/Instagram) (As of June 1, 2021, closed for entries June 21, 2021; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of the Scheduled Tender (As of March 24, 2021)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for a Project for a German TV program in the German Market in FY2021 (As of March 24, 2021; closed for entries April 13, 2021; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of the Scheduled Tender (As of March 3, 2021)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for PR and E-learning in FY2021 (As of February 9, 2021, closed for entries March 15, 2021)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for Marketing activities in Switzerland to promote Japan as a travel destination in FY2021 (As of February 8, 2021, closed for entries March 15, 2021; Winner announced here.)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for Project for SNS management and website promotion and contents creation in the German market in FY2021 (As of February 1, 2021, closed for entries March 12, 2021)
- Notice of Proposal Competition for ITB 2021 online exhibition project in the German market in FY2020 (As of December 7, 2020, closing March 26, 2021)
- Notice of the Scheduled Tender for ITB in the German Market (As of November 25, 2020)
- Notice for proposal competition to plan and implement the exhibition at the World Travel Show 2020 in Poland (FY2020) (Closed for entries July 27th, 2020)
- Notice for proposal competition for joint marketing promotion with tour operators in the German market (FY2020) (Closed for entries May 15th, 2020)
- Notice for proposal competition — Marketing activities in Switzerland to promote Japan as a travel destination (FY2020) (Closed for entries May 8th, 2020)
- Notice of the Scheduled Tenders for the Swiss and German Markets (As of March 10, 2020)
- Exhibition for the Warsaw Japan Festival 2020 in Poland (FY2020) (As of March 4th, 2020)
- Notice of the Scheduled Tenders for the German Market (As of March 2nd, 2020)
- Notice of Proposal Competition — Project for MICE event participation and content marketing of incentive traveling the German market (FY2020) (Closed for entries March 23rd, 2020)
- Notice of Proposal Competition — Project for PR, management of SNS and website promotion in German Market (FY2020) (As of January 23rd, 2020 — closed for entries February 25th, 2020)
- Notice of Proposal Competition — Project for an Influencer Campaign for PR & Social to promote Travel to Japan in the German market (As of January 10, 2020 — closed for entries February 7, 2020)
- Notice of Proposal Competition — Project for joint marketing promotion with tour operators in the German market (As of January 10, 2020 — closed for entries February 7, 2020)
- Notice of Proposal Competition — Project for joint marketing promotion with airlines in the Swiss market (FY2019) (As of January 21, 2020 — closed for entries January 31, 2020)
- Notice of the Scheduled Tender — Project for PR, management of SNS and website promotion in German Market (FY2020) (As of January 6th, 2020)
- Notice of the Scheduled Tender — Project for joint marketing promotion with airlines in the Swiss market (FY2019) (As of January 10, 2020)
- Notice of the Scheduled Tenders for two projects (As of December 13, 2019)
- Notice of Proposal Competition (As of 3rd December 2019) — Project for promoting Tokyo, Nagano,Toyama and Ishikawa(Kanazawa) in the German market (closed December 17, 2019)
- Project for joint advertisement with airlinesand tour operators, press trip and website contents in German market (closed October 2019)
- Project for jointadvertisement with airlines in German and Swissmarket (closed August 2019)
- Project for Advertising Campaign in German Market (closed August 2019)
- Marketing Activities in Switzerland to promote Japan as a travel destination for FY 2019/2020 (closed July 2019)
- Mini-guide production and advertorial placement to promote the Japanese Tohoku region in Germany (closed July 2019)